Ziskind.com > BBS Door Games > Trade Wars 2002 File Archive

Trade Wars 2002 File Archive

This file archive contains downloadable 3rd party mods tested up to TW2002 v2.0 Beta 5 as well as terminal software, scripts, and guides.

The newest version of Trade Wars 2002 can be found at the Epic Interactive Strategy website.

File Description File Size Total Downloads  
Trade Wars 2002 Wide Beta 8 A full install of Trade Wars 2002 Wide Beta 8. (2002V2B8.ZIP) 617 kB 8948
The BORG v1.4 for Trade Wars 2002 v2 (BORG14TW.ZIP)
Tested up to TW2002 Wide Beta 5.
43 kB 4491
The Crystalline Entity v1.4 for Trade Wars 2002 v2 (CE14TW.ZIP)
Tested up to TW2002 Wide Beta 5.
39 kB 4019
TW Stats Ship and Planet Statistics Editor for Trade Wars 2002 Wide Beta 5 (TW2STATS.ZIP)
Tested up to TW2002 Wide Beta 5.
85 kB 4019
Trade World (a TW Mall Program) for extra features. Installs as a separate door. (TWORLD.ZIP)
Tested up to TW2002 Wide Beta 8.
171 kB 4019
Wandering Planets v1.1 for Trade Wars 2002 v2 Wide Beta. (v1.1) (WNDR110.ZIP)
Tested up to TW2002 Wide Beta 5.
25 kB 4018
Wandering Planets v1.0 for Trade Wars 2002 v2 Wide Beta. (v1.0) (WAND14TW.ZIP)
Tested up to TW2002 Wide Beta 5.
42 kB 3631
TW Net Programs for setting up multiBBS Trade Wars Games (TWNET.ZIP)
Tested up to TW2002 UNKNOWN.
180 kB 3579
TW Extenders Serice I Manager TWExtenders Series I Manager v1.0 (TWE1MA14.ZIP)
Tested up to TW2002 Wide Beta 5.
347 kB 3517
Bug Fix Fix for the Ship Record Bug and the Ferrengi Grudge Bug which occur in Trade Wars 2002 Wide Beta 5 (TWBUGFIX.ZIP)
Tested up to TW2002 Wide Beta 5.
52 kB 3475
TWConverter: 1 to 2b Converts Player and Alien data files from TW v1.03 & v1.03d to Wide Beta 5 format (TW1TO2B.ZIP)
Tested up to TW2002 Wide Beta 5.
44 kB 3424
Trade Wars Helper v8.6 online player utility with macros (TWHELP86.ZIP)
Tested up to TW2002 v1.03 & v2.0x.
233 kB 5393
Slice's War Manual Tips and Tricks for Trade Wars 2002 v2 (SLICE-10.ZIP)
Tested up to TW2002 Wide Beta 5.
47 kB 4720
TWTerm 3.0 Graphical terminal for Trade Wars 2002 (TWTERM30.ZIP)
Tested up to TW2002 v2.0x.
235 kB 4592
TWHelp v8.6 GUI Graphical interface terminal for TWHelp v8.6! (TWHGUI86.ZIP)
Tested up to TW2002 v8.6 TW Helper.
392 kB 4139
Trade Wars Assistant v2.1 player utility (TWAST21.ZIP)
Tested up to TW2002 v1.03 & v2.0x.
188 kB 4130
TW Aide Offline player utility (TWAID095.ZIP)
Tested up to TW2002 v1.03 & v2.0x.
62 kB 3885
Telix Trade Wars Scripts Automated Trade Wars script for Telix telnet client (TLXTW204.ZIP)
Tested up to TW2002 v2.0x.
213 kB 3784
WIN2002 v1.0 Finds trading pairs in TW2002 (W2002V1B.ZIP)
Tested up to TW2002 v2.0x.
48 kB 3758
Neg96 On-line Terminal On-Line Terminal/Macro program for TW2002 v2 Wide Beta (NEG96.ZIP)
Tested up to TW2002 v2.0x.
43 kB 3613
TWTerm 3.0 Sound Blaster Upgrade Sound Blaster files for TWTERM30.ZIP (TWSOUNDA.ZIP)
Tested up to TW2002 v3.0 TW Terminal.
286 kB 3498
Trade Wars Viewer v.96 an awesome offline viewer utility! (TWV96PL2.ARJ)
Tested up to TW2002 v1.03 & v2.0x.
187 kB 2993